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The cfthread tag enables you to create threads, independent streams of code execution, in your application. You use this tag to run or end a thread, temporarily stop thread execution, or join together multiple threads.


This tag may have a body.


		[type="string"] ... >

This tag is also supported within cfscript
		[type="string"] ...  {



This tag has a fixed definition of attributes (see below). In addition it allowes to use any additional attribute.
Name Type Required Description
action string No The action to take, one of the following values:
  • join: Makes the current thread wait until the thread or threads specified in the name attribute complete processing,
    or until the period specified in the timeout attribute passes, before continuing processing.
    If you don't specify a timeout and thread you are joining to doesn't finish, the current thread also cannot finish processing.
  • run: Creates a thread and starts it processing.
  • sleep: Suspends the current threads processing for the time specified by the duration attribute.
    This action is useful if one thread must wait for another thread to do processing without joining the threads.
  • terminate: Stops processing of the thread specified in the name attribute.
    If you terminate a thread, the thread scope includes an ERROR metadata structure with information about the termination. 
  • duration number No (sleep) The number of milliseconds for which to suspend thread processing. (required) 
    name string No The name of the thread to which the action applies:
    terminate The name of the thread to stop.
    join The name of the thread or threads to join to the current thread.
    To specify multiple threads, use a comma-delimited list.
    run The name to use to identify the thread being created. 
    priority string No The priority level at which to run the thread.
    The following values are valid:
    Higher priority threads get more processing time than lower priority
    threads. Page-level code, the code that is outside of cfthread tags,
    always has NORMAL priority. (optional, default=NORMAL) 
    retryinterval any No when type task, this attribute define a execution plan for additional tries of execution.
    you can define a single rule or multiple rules as array

    Example single rule:

    in this case Lucee replay the thread for a maximum of 5 times, when the execution fails, Lucee waits for 5 seconds before doing the next try.

    Example multiple rules:

    in this case Lucee replay the thread for maximum of 10 times, when the execution fails, 5 times every 5 seconds, then 5 times every 10 seconds. 
    timeout number No The number of milliseconds that the current thread waits for
    the thread or threads being joined to finish. If any thread does not
    finish by the specified time, the current thread proceeds.
    If the attribute value is 0, the default, the current thread continues
    waiting until all joining threads finish. If the current thread is the
    page thread, the page continues waiting until the threads are joined,
    even if you specify a page timeout. (optional, default=0) 
    type string No type of the thread:
    - deamon (default): executes as deamon of the current thread
    - task: executed by the task manager